Eppendorf DNA LoBind Plates
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Update Terakhir :
17-06-2016 16:12
Detail Produk
- LoBind material guarantees maximum sample recovery for improved assay results
- Free of surface coating (e.g. silicone) to minimize the risk of sample interference
- Lot-certified PCR clean purity grade: of human DNA, DNAase, RNase and PCR inhibitors
- Available in tube, microplate, and deepwell plate formats for easy-up scaling
- High-contrast Unique OptiTrack® matrix: up to 30 % faster sample identification and fewer pipetting errors
- RecoverMax® well design: optimized well geometry for minimal remaining/dead volume and excellent mixing properties
- Raised well rims and a smooth surface guarantee reliable sealing